From the 31/05/2022 we are replacing the guideline covid restrictions with updated infection control protocols. Please see below the measures in place at the clinic:
PPE/ Infection Control
We will still be screening patients for symptoms in their confirmation and reminder emails. Please inform us if you, or a member of your household, are suffering from a fever, new persistent cough, new unexplained rash or alteration to sense of smell or taste or have tested positive on a PCR/ lateral flow test for Covid-19 or are awaiting test results.
If you are suffering from a cold or cough, please let us know. As testing is being scaled down, we have opted to increase PPE wearing by the chiropractors for patients who have a cold and cough as recommended.
We will still be cleaning reception areas regularly and maintaining the cleaning protocols for treatment rooms following appointments. There is hand sanitiser to help reduce the spread of infections via hand contacts.
Face coverings
Surgical masks are no longer a mandatory requirement within the clinic but optional if you wish to continue wearing them. This also applies if you prefer the chiropractor to wear a mask, along with other risk assessed PPE.
Virtual Appointments
We are still offering a virtual consultation service for patients for us to assess, diagnose and offer home care advice to reduce the need for face to face appointments.
Track and Trace
Following guidance from our professional bodies and the Information Commissioner's Office, we will provide the tracers with contact details for the relevant patients/ visitors if we are contacted by the Track and Trace Programme.